Android Course

  • The Genesis of Java
  • OOPs Concepts,
  • Overview of Java,
  • Data Types variables & arrays,
  • Operators, Classes & Methods,
  • Interfaces & Abstract classes,
  • Overloading & Overriding,
  • Packages & Privileges,
  • Collection APIs,
  • Exception Handling Multithreaded programming,
  • I/O Applets & Other topics.
  • String Handling,
  • Java.util package complete coverage,
  • More I/O, Networking,
  • Android Application Development
  • An Open Platform for Mobile Development
  • Android SDK Features
  • Introduction of Development Framework
  • Android Application Architecture
  • Android Libraries
  • Advanced Android Libraries
  • What You Need to Begin
  • Downloading and Installing the Android SDK & IDE
  • Creating Your First Android Activity
  • Types of Android Applications
  • Developing for Mobile Devices
  • Hardware-Imposed Design Considerations
  • Considering the Users’ Environment
  • Android Development Tools
  • The Android Emulator
  • The Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
  • Module 4: Creating Applications and Activities
  • What Makes an Android Application?
  • Introducing the Application Manifest
  • Using the Manifest Editor
  • The Android Application Life Cycle
  • Understanding Application Priority and Process States
  • Externalizing Resources
  • Creating Resources
  • Using Resources
  • Creating an Activity
  • The Activity Life Cycle
  • Android Activity Classes
  • Fundamental Android UI Design
  • Introducing Views
  • Creating Activity User Interfaces with Views
  • The Android Widget Toolbox
  • Introducing Layouts
  • Using Layouts
  • Creating New Views
  • Modifying Existing Views
  • Creating Compound Controls
  • Creating Custom Widgets and Controls
  • Using Custom Controls
  • Creating and Using Menu s
  • Introducing the Android Menu System
  • Defining an Activity Menu
  • Dynamically Updating Menu Items
  • Handling Menu Selections
  • Submenus and Context Menus
  • Introduction of Intents
  • Using Intents to Launch Activities
  • Using Intent Filters to Service Implicit Intents
  • Using Intent Filters for Plug-ins and Extensibility
  • Using Intents to Broadcast Events
  • Introducing Adapters
  • Introducing Some Android-Supplied Adapters
  • Using Adapters for Data Binding
  • Using Internet Resources
  • Connecting to an Internet Resource
  • Leveraging Internet Resources
  • Introducing Dialogs
  • Introducing the Dialog Class
  • Using Activities as Dialogs
  • Creating a n Earthquake Viewer
  • Saving and Loading Files
  • Including Static Files as Resources
  • File Management Tools
  • Databases in Android
  • Introducing SQLite
  • Cursors and Content Values
  • Working with Android Databases
  • Using Content Providers
  • Native Android Content Providers
  • Creating a New Content Provider
  • Creating and Using an Earthquake Content Provider
  • Using Location-Based Services
  • Setting up the Emulator with Test Providers
  • Updating Locations in Emulator Location Providers
  • Create an Application to Manage Test Location Providers
  • Selecting a Location Provider
  • Finding the Available Providers
  • Finding Providers Based on Requirement Criteria
  • Finding Your Location
  • “Where Am I?” Example
  • Tracking Movement
  • Updating Your Location in “Where Am I?
  • Using Proximity Alerts
  • Using the Geocoder
  • Reverse Geocoding
  • Forward Geocoding
  • Creating Map -Based Activities
  • Creating a Map-Based Activity
  • Configuring and Using Map Views
  • Using the Map Controller
  • Creating and Controlling Services
  • Binding Activities to Services
  • Using Background Worker Threads
  • Creating New Threads
  • Synchronizing Threads for GUI Operations
  • Moving the Earthquake Service to a Background Thread
  • Let’s Make a Toast
  • Customizing Toasts
  • Using Toasts in Worker Threads
  • Using Alarms
  • Using Alarms to Update Earthquakes
  • Introducing Android Instant Messaging
  • Using the GTalk Service
  • Binding to the GTalk Service
  • Making a GTalk Connection and Starting an IM Session
  • Introducing Presence and the Contact Roster
  • Managing Chat Sessions
  • Using the Media APIs
  • Playing Media Resources
  • Recording Multimedia
  • Using the Camera
  • Controlling Camera Settings
  • Using the Camera Preview
  • Taking a Picture
  • Using the Camera Preview
  • Introducing the Sensor Manager
  • Using the Accelerometer and Compass
  • Detecting Acceleration Changes
  • Creating a Speedometer
  • Determining Your Orientation
  • Creating a Compass and Artificial Horizon
  • Android Telephony
  • Making Phone Calls
  • Monitoring Phone State and Phone Activity
  • Monitoring Data Connectivity and Activity
  • Accessing Phone Properties and Status
  • Controlling the Phone
  • Using Bluetooth
  • Introducing the Bluetooth Service
  • Controlling the Local Bluetooth Device
  • Discovering and Bonding with Bluetooth Devices
  • Managing Bluetooth Connections
  • Communication with Bluetooth
  • Using a Bluetooth Headset
  • Managing Network and Wi-Fi Connections
  • Controlling Device Vibration
  • Using AID L to Support IP C for Services
  • Implementing an AIDL Interface
  • Using Internet Services
  • Building Rich User Interfaces
  • Working with Animations
  • Using Themes to Skin Your Applications
  • Advanced Canvas Drawing
  • Introducing Surface View
  • Creating Interactive Controls
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