Basic Computer Course
- What is Computer
- Basic Application of Computer
- Components of Computer System
- Components of Hardware and Software
- Connecting Keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU and Checking Power Supply
- What is an Operating System
- Basic of Popular Operating System
- The User Interface, Using Mouse
- Using right Button of the Mouse and Moving Icons on the Screen
- Use of Common Icons, Status Bar, Using Menu and Menu-Selection
- Running an Application, Viewing of file, Folders and Directories
- Creating and Renaming of files and folders
- Opening and Closing of different Windows
- Using help
- Creating Shortcuts
- Basics of O.S Setup
- Common Utilities
- Beginning to Use Microsoft Word 2010
- Starting Microsoft Word 2010
- Opening a New Document
- Saving a Document
- Basic Editing
- The Cursor
- Inserting Text
- Deleting Text
- Moving Text
- Undo and Redo
- Wrap Text
- Formatting
- Selecting Text
- Applying a Font
- Changing Font Size
- Font Attributes
- Font Color
- Clear Formatting
- Text Alignment
- Copying and Moving Text and Objects
- The Clipboard
- Paste
- Formatting
- Drag and Drop Text
- Editing Features
- Spell Check
- Thesaurus
- Auto Correct
- Check Word Count
- Track Changes
- Accepting and Rejecting Changes
- Page View
- Zoom
- Paragraph Formatting
- Changing Paragraph Alignment
- Indenting Paragraphs
- Add Borders or Shading to a Paragraph
- Apply Paragraph Styles
- Creating Links within a Document
- Change Spacing Between Paragraphs and Lines
- Tables
- Creating Tables
- Creating a table by highlighting the boxes
- Create a table by using the Insert Table command
- Drawing a Table
- Converting text into a table
- Quick Tables
- Entering Text
- Table Tools
- Inserting rows and columns
- Deleting Cells, Rows or Columns
- Merging Cells and Splitting Cells
- Adjusting Column Width
- Position Text Within A Cell
- Borders and Shading
- Lists
- Bulleted and Numbered Lists
- Creating a Nested List
- Format Your List
- Creating Outlines
- Page Formatting
- Page Margins
- How to Change the Orientation, Size of the Page, or Size of the Columns
- Apply a Page Border and Color
- Insert Headers and Footers (Including Page Numbers)
- Create a Page Break
- Insert a Cover Page
- Insert a Blank Page
- Inserting Graphics, Pictures, and Table of Contents
- Inserting Special Characters Into Your Document
- Inserting Equations
- How to Insert Illustrations, Pictures, and SmartArt
- Resizing Graphics
- Watermarks
- Table of Contents
- Creating a Table of Contents
- Update a Table of Contents
- Delete a Table of Contents
- Advanced Tools
- References and Citations
- How to Insert Citations
- Manage Sources
- Adding a Bibliography
- Adding Footnotes
- Compare and Merge Documents
- Protect Document
- Creating a List for Mail Merge
- Mail Merge
- Introduction
- Opening new Presentation
- Different presentation templates
- Setting backgrounds
- Selecting presentation layouts
- Creating a presentation
- Setting presentation style
- Adding Text to the presentation
- Formatting a presentation
- Adding style
- Color, gradient fills
- Arranging objects
- Adding Header & Footer
- Slide Background
- Slide layout
- Adding Graphics to the presentation
- Inserting pictures, movies, tables, etc into the presentation
- Drawing Pictures using Draw
- Adding effects to the presentation
- Setting Animation & transition effect
- Adding audio and video
- Introduction
- Spreadsheet & its Applications
- Opening spreadsheet
- Menus & Toolbars & icons
- Shortcuts
- Using help
- Working with Spreadsheets
- Opening a File
- Saving Files
- Setting Margins
- Converting files to different formats
- Spreadsheet addressing
- Rows, Columns & Cells,
- Referring cells and Selecting cells
- Entering and Editing Data
- Entering Data
- Cut, Copy, paste, Undo, Redo, Find, Search & Replace
- Filling continuous rows, columns
- Inserting – Data, cells, column, rows & sheets
- Manual breaks
- Entering and Editing Data
- Computing data
- Setting Formula
- Finding total in a column or row
- Mathematical operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Exponentiation)
- Using other Formulas
- Computing data
- Formatting Spreadsheets
- Formatting ( Cell, row, column & Sheet)
- Alignment, Font, Border & shading
- Highlighting values
- Hiding/Locking Cells
- Formatting ( Cell, row, column & Sheet)
- Worksheet
- Sheet Name
- Row & Column Headers
- Row Height, Column Width
- Visibility (Row, Column, Sheet)
- Security
- Worksheet
- Formatting (worksheet)
- Sheet Formatting & style – background, color , Borders & shading
- Formatting layout for Graphics, Clipart etc.,
- Formatting (worksheet)
- Working with sheets
- Sorting
- Filtering
- Validation
- Consolidation
- Subtotal
- Creating Charts
- Selecting charts
- Formatting charts, label, scaling etc.
- Using Tools
- Error Checking
- Spell Checks
- Formula Auditing
- Tracking Changes
- Customization
- Document Printing
- Email workbook
- Translate Workbook
- Workbook security
- Pivot table
- Charts
- Data Analytics
- Keyboard shortcuts
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