ASP.NET Course
- Getting Started
- Windows Operating Systems
- Microsoft.Net & Versions
- Language Support
- Types of Applications
- Installations & Getting Started
- Creating Applications
- Testing & Debugging Applications
- Features of .Net Framework
- .Net Framework Architecture
- Components of .Net Framework
- Common Type System (CTS)
- Common Language Specification (CLS)
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Intermediate Language (IL)
- Framework Libraries
- Namespaces, Assemblies & Deployment
- Security
- Memory Management
- Metadata & Reflection
- Introduction to .Net Framework & Features of C#.Net
- Creating Console Applications
- Data Types, Variables, Constants
- Boxing & Un-Boxing
- Operators & Expressions
- Control Structures
- Arrays & Strings
- Structured Exception Handling
- C# parameter Modifiers (out, ref)
- Multithreading
- Delegates & Events
- Implementing OOPS
- OOPS Vs Structural Programming
- Features of OOPS
- Classes & Objects
- ata Abstractions, Data Hiding
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Operator Overloading, Function Overloading
- Constructors & Destructors
- C# .NET Layout Basics
- Introduction to Windows Forms user interface
- Common Windows forms controls
- Data Controls
- Menus and Toolbars
- Dialog Boxes
- MDI Form
- Custom Control
- Validation in Window Form
- Crystal Report, Error Handling
- Setup and Deployment
- Introduction to Internet & Web Applications
- Introduction to Dynamic Web Pages & ASP.Net
- ASP.Net Page Life Cycle
- ASP.Net Standard Controls
- Regular expressions
- Validation Controls
- Create Master Page and Content Pages
- Login Controls
- Web Parts
- Database Concept & SQL Server queries
- Introduction to Disconnected Architecture & ADO.Net
- ADO.Net Classes
- ADO.Net Objects
- Connection objects, Data Adapter
- Command Builders, Data Table
- Data Set, Data Reader
- Data Retrieval, Insertion, Deletion & Updating
- ADO.Net Connection Pooling
- Using Data Controls
- Introduction to XML
- XML Tree, XML Syntax
- Data Binding in ASP.Net
- Overview of LINQ to SQL Class
- Connectivity with LINQ
- Using Stored Procedure in LINQ
- State Management & Security Issues in ASP.Net
- Configuration Settings
- Tracing & Debugging
- Deploying ASP.Net Applications
- Asp.NET Ajax Controls
- JQuery
- Silver Light
- MVC in Asp.Net
- Mobile Application
- Introduction of IIS Server
- CPanel setting for Dynamic website
- Upload database
- FTP Configuration
- SMTP Configuration
- Uploading of WebPages and file
- System Analysis & Design
More Courses

ASP.NET Course
Getting Started
Windows Operating Systems
Microsoft.Net & Versions
Language Support
Types of Applications
Installations & Getting Started
Creating Applications
Testing & Debugging Applications

Digital Marketing Course
What is digital marketing?
How is it different from traditional marketing?
ROI between Digital and traditional marketing?
Discussion on Ecommerce

Java Course
Pros and Cons
Environment Setup
First ProgramVariables
Data Types
Variable scope
Typecasting Operators
Operator precedence

Core Python Course
Setting up path
Working with Python
Basic Syntax
Variable and Data Types
If- else
Nested if-else