Machine Learning Course using Python
- What is Machine Learning?
- History of Machine Learning
- How Artificial Intelligence relates to Machine Learning
- Data Science vs Machine Learning
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Introduction to K- nearest neighbour method
- Different phases of predictive modelling
- Understanding tasks and work using an example classification problem
based on the K- nearest neighbour method - Implementation using the scikit- learn library
- Classification
- Decision tree
- Naïve bayes
- Logistic Regression
- Know your neighbour (KKN)
- Support vector machine
- Regression
- Linear Regression
- Support vector machine
- Know your neighbor (KKN)
- Ridge regression
- What is model complexity
- What is Generalization performance
- Understanding the connection between Model Complexity and
Generalization performance - Importance of proper feature scaling
- How to control model complexity by applying techniques like
regularization to avoid overfitting - Use of cross-validation for model evaluation
- Evaluation
- Understanding of evaluation and model section methods
- Optimize the performance of the machine learning model
- Advance supervised machine learning concepts
- Ensembles of tree (random forests, grading boosted trees)
- Neural networks (with an optional summary on deep learning)
- Learning the critical problem of data leakage in machine learning and
how to detect and avoid it
- K- Mean clustering
- Document retrieval : A case study in clustering and measuring
- Recommending products
- Unsupervised Learning- Deep Learning
- Meaning and importance of deep learning
- Artificial neural networks
- Introduction to Tensor flow
- Introductory remark about python
- A brief history of python
- How python is different from other languages
- Python versions
- How to execute a python program
- Writing your first program
- Python keywords and identifiers
- Python statements
- Comments in python
- Command line arguments
- Getting user input
- Exercise
- Variable and Data Type
- Introduction
- Variables
- Data Types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Lists, Tuples and dictionary
- Exercise
- Decision making and Loops
- Introduction
- Control Flow and Syntax
- The if statement
- Python Operators
- The while loop
- Break and continue
- The For loop
- Pass statement
- Exercise
- Functions
- Introduction
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built in functions
- Scope of variables
- Decorators
- Passing function to function
- Lambda
- Closures
- Exercise
- Modules and packages
- Introduction to modules
- Importing modules
- Standard modules-sys
- Standard module-OS
- The dir function
- Packages
- Exercise
- Exception Handling
- Error
- Run time Error
- Handling IO Exception
- Try Except statement
- Raise
- Assert
- Exercise
- Exception Handling
- Files and directories
- Introduction
- Writing Data to a file
- Reading Data from a file
- Additional file methods
- Working with files
- Working with Directories
- Exercise
- Files and directories
- Class and objects
- Introduction to classes and objects
- Creating classes
- Instance methods
- Special class method
- Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Data hiding
- Exercise
- Class and objects
- Regular Expressions
- Introduction
- Match function
- Search function
- Grouping
- Matching at Beginning or end
- Match objects
- Flags
- Exercise
- Regular Expressions
- Socket Programming
- What are Sockets?
- Creating sockets
- Server client- socket methods
- Connecting client-server
- Client-server chatting program
- Exercise
- Socket Programming
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