- Getting Started
- Windows Operating Systems
- Microsoft.Net & Versions
- Language Support
- Types of Applications
- Installations & Getting Started
- Creating Applications
- Testing & Debugging Applications
- Features of .Net Framework
- .Net Framework Architecture
- Components of .Net Framework
- Common Type System (CTS)
- Common Language Specification (CLS)
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Intermediate Language (IL)
- Framework Libraries
- Namespaces, Assemblies & Deployment
- Security
- Memory Management
- Metadata & Reflection
- Introduction to .Net Framework & Features of C#.Net
- Creating Console Applications
- Data Types, Variables, Constants
- Boxing & Un-Boxing
- Operators & Expressions
- Control Structures
- Arrays & Strings
- Structured Exception Handling
- C# parameter Modifiers (out, ref)
- Multithreading
- Delegates & Events
- Implementing OOPS
- OOPS Vs Structural Programming
- Features of OOPS
- Classes & Objects
- ata Abstractions, Data Hiding
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Operator Overloading, Function Overloading
- Constructors & Destructors
- C# .NET Layout Basics
- Introduction to Windows Forms user interface
- Common Windows forms controls
- Data Controls
- Menus and Toolbars
- Dialog Boxes
- MDI Form
- Custom Control
- Validation in Window Form
- Crystal Report, Error Handling
- Setup and Deployment
- Introduction to Internet & Web Applications
- Introduction to Dynamic Web Pages & ASP.Net
- ASP.Net Page Life Cycle
- ASP.Net Standard Controls
- Regular expressions
- Validation Controls
- Create Master Page and Content Pages
- Login Controls
- Web Parts
- Database Concept & SQL Server queries
- Introduction to Disconnected Architecture & ADO.Net
- ADO.Net Classes
- ADO.Net Objects
- Connection objects, Data Adapter
- Command Builders, Data Table
- Data Set, Data Reader
- Data Retrieval, Insertion, Deletion & Updating
- ADO.Net Connection Pooling
- Using Data Controls
- Introduction to XML
- XML Tree, XML Syntax
- Data Binding in ASP.Net
- Overview of LINQ to SQL Class
- Connectivity with LINQ
- Using Stored Procedure in LINQ
- State Management & Security Issues in ASP.Net
- Configuration Settings
- Tracing & Debugging
- Deploying ASP.Net Applications
- Asp.NET Ajax Controls
- JQuery
- Silver Light
- MVC in Asp.Net
- Mobile Application
- Introduction of IIS Server
- CPanel setting for Dynamic website
- Upload database
- FTP Configuration
- SMTP Configuration
- Uploading of WebPages and file
- System Analysis & Design