Advance Python Course

  • Class and object
  • Attributes
  • Inheritance
  • Overloading
  • Overriding
  • Data hiding
  • Match function
  • Search function
  • Matching VS Searching
  • Modifiers
  • Patterns
  • Introduction
  • Architecture
  • CGI environment variable
  • GET and POST methods
  • Cookies
  • File upload
  • Introduction
  • Connections
  • Executing queries
  • Transactions
  • Handling error
  • Socket
  • Socket Module
  • Methods
  • Client and server
  • Internet modules
  • Thread
  • Starting a thread
  • Threading module
  • Synchronizing threads
  • Multithreaded Priority Queue
  • Introduction
  • Tkinter programming
  • Tkinter widgets
Accordion Content

Cloud Computing Course

  • Defining cloud computing
  • Components of a computing cloud
  • Differentiating types of clouds: public, private, hybrid
  • Delivering services from the cloud
  • Categorizing service types
  • Comparing vendor cloud products: Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others
  • Key drivers of cloud computing solutions
  • Instantaneous provisioning of computing resources
  • Handling varied loads with elasticity and seamless scalability
  • Tapping into an infinite storage capacity
  • Cost-effective pay-as-you-use billing models
  • Evaluating barriers to cloud computing
  • Handling sensitive data
  • Aspects of cloud security
  • Assessing governance solutions
  • Characterizing SaaS
  • Minimizing the need for local hardware and software
  • Streamlining administration with centralized installation and updates
  • Optimizing cost and performance with the ability to scale on demand
  • Comparing service scenarios
  • Improving collaboration with business productivity tools
  • Simplifying business process creation by integrating existing components
  • Inspecting SaaS technologies
  • Deploying Web applications
  • Implementing Web services: SOAP, REST
  • Choosing a development platform
  • Exploring the technical foundation for PaaS
  • Specifying the components of PaaS
  • Analyzing vendor PaaS provisions
  • Selecting an appropriate implementation
  • Building services with solution stacks
  • Evaluating the architecture of vendor specific platforms
  • Becoming familiar with service platform tools
  • Leveraging the power of scalable middleware
  • Managing cloud storage
  • Controlling unstructured data in the cloud
  • Deploying relational databases in the cloud
  • Improving data availability
  • Employing support services
  • Testing in the cloud
  • Monitoring cloud-based services
  • Analyzing portability across platforms
  • Enabling technologies
  • Scalable server clusters
  • Achieving transparency with platform virtualization
  • Elastic storage devices
  • Accessing IaaS
  • Provisioning servers on demand
  • Handling dynamic and static IP addresses
  • Tools and support for management and monitoring
  • Calculating the financial implications
  • Analyzing current and future computing requirements
  • Comparing in-house facilities to the cloud
  • Estimating economic factors downstream
  • Preserving business continuity
  • Selecting appropriate service-level agreements
  • Safeguarding access to assets in the cloud
  • Security, availability and disaster recovery strategies
  • Technical considerations
  • Rearchitecting applications for the cloud
  • Integrating the cloud with existing applications
  • Avoiding vendor lock-in
  • Planning the migration
  • Incremental vs
  • one-step solution
  • Selecting a vendor
  • Establishing staff skill requirements
  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits
  • EC2 and EC2 Instances
  • Amazon EC2
  • Storage Services and AWS CLI
  • Virtual Private Cloud & Direct Connect
  • Database Services
  • Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling
  • Route 53 & Management Tools
  • Application Services, AWS Lambda & Elastic Beanstalk
  • OpsWorks, Security & Identity Services