Advance Web Designing Course

  • Basics of HTML
    • What is HTML?
    • HTML Tags
    • Web Browsers
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Write HTML Using Editors
    • HTML5 New Tags
  • HTML Elements & Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • Images
    • Image Syntax
    • Alt
    • Image Title
    • Images as a LINK
    • Images in another Folder
  • List Tag
    • List Tag
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Data Description List
  • Table Tag
    • Table Tag
    • Cell Span with Column
    • Cell Span With row
    • Cell Padding
    • Cell Spacing
    • Adding Cell Spacing
  • Links
    • Links Syntax
    • Internal Links
    • External Links
  • Audio and Video
    • Autoplay
    • Audio and Video Syntax
    • Playing Videos in HTML
  • Forms
    • Form Element
    • Form Action
    • Form Get & Post Method
    • Text Button
    • Radio Button Input
    • Submit Button
    • Select Element
    • Textarea
    • HTML Input Attributes
  • Google Maps
  • Upload File and Pages
  • Form Validations
  • Interview Questions Idea


  • What is CSS and CSS3 ?
  • Why use CSS ?
  • Types of CSS
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  • Syntax of CSS
  • CSS Selectors
  • Color and Background Properties
    • Color
    • Background attachment
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • Text Properties
    • letter-spacing
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • vertical-align
    • word-spacing
  • Font Properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • Border Properties
    • border-color
    • border-style
    • border-width
    • border-top-width
    • border-left-width
    • border-right-width
    • border-bottom-width
  • BOX Model
    • Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Height
    • Width
  • Position Properties
    • Position Fixed
    • Position Absolute
    • Position Relative
    • Position Static
  • Classification Properties
    • Z-index
    • Display
    • Visibility
    • white-space


  • Transition with CSS3
    • Transition with Width
    • Transition with Height
    • Transition with Background
    • Border Transition
    • All Transition
  • Transform with CSS3
    • Rotate
    • Skew
    • Scale
    • Translate
  • Animation With CSS3
    • @ Keyframes Rules
    • Reverse Direction Animation
    • Animation Delay
  • Media Queries
    • @ Media for Responsive Designs
    • @ Keyframes
    • @ font-face
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
  • Looping statement in JavaScript
  • Working with Predefined functions
  • Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
  • Bootstrap Version 3.3.7
    • What is Bootstrap?
    • Why use Bootstrap?
    • Bootstrap CDN?
  • Bootstrap Grid System
    • Extra Small
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Bootstrap Typography
  • Bootstrap Tables
    • Table
    • Table-stripped
    • Table-bordered
    • Table-hover
  • Bootstrap Images
    • img-rounded
    • img-circle
    • img-thumbnail
  • Bootstrap Jumbotron
  • Bootstrap Container & Container-fluid
  • Bootstrap Alert
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Pager & Pagination
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress bar
  • Bootstrap Form
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Carousel
  • Bootstrap Modals
  • Introduction to jQuery
    • Adding jQuery to your Web pages?
    • Downloading jQuery?
    • jQuery CDN? 1.4 jQuery Syntax?
  • jQuery Effects
    • Hide and Show?
    • Fade
    • Slide
    • Animate
  • jQuery HTML
    • jQuery Set
    • jQuery Get
    • jQuery Add
    • jQuery Remove
  • Introduction
  • How Websites Work
  • What WordPress Is and How It Works
  • Installing WordPress
  • Installing WordPress Plugins
  • Installing WordPress Themes .
  • Setting Up Your WordPress Site Right the First Time
  • Tools
  • Image Enhancement
  • Banner, Brochure and PSD Designs
  • Color Balancing
  • Create Template
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