- Basics of HTML
- What is HTML?
- HTML Tags
- Web Browsers
- HTML Page Structure
- Write HTML Using Editors
- HTML5 New Tags
- HTML Elements & Tags
- HTML Attributes
- Images
- Image Syntax
- Alt
- Image Title
- Images as a LINK
- Images in another Folder
- List Tag
- List Tag
- Ordered List
- Unordered List
- Data Description List
- Table Tag
- Table Tag
- Cell Span with Column
- Cell Span With row
- Cell Padding
- Cell Spacing
- Adding Cell Spacing
- Links
- Links Syntax
- Internal Links
- External Links
- Audio and Video
- Autoplay
- Audio and Video Syntax
- Playing Videos in HTML
- Forms
- Form Element
- Form Action
- Form Get & Post Method
- Text Button
- Radio Button Input
- Submit Button
- Select Element
- Textarea
- HTML Input Attributes
- Google Maps
- Upload File and Pages
- Form Validations
- Interview Questions Idea
- What is CSS and CSS3 ?
- Why use CSS ?
- Types of CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
- Syntax of CSS
- CSS Selectors
- Color and Background Properties
- Color
- Background attachment
- background-color
- background-image
- background-repeat
- background-position
- Text Properties
- letter-spacing
- line-height
- text-align
- text-decoration
- text-indent
- text-transform
- vertical-align
- word-spacing
- Font Properties
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-size
- font-variant
- font-weight
- Border Properties
- border-color
- border-style
- border-width
- border-top-width
- border-left-width
- border-right-width
- border-bottom-width
- BOX Model
- Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
- Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
- Height
- Width
- Position Properties
- Position Fixed
- Position Absolute
- Position Relative
- Position Static
- Classification Properties
- Z-index
- Display
- Visibility
- white-space
- Transition with CSS3
- Transition with Width
- Transition with Height
- Transition with Background
- Border Transition
- All Transition
- Transform with CSS3
- Rotate
- Skew
- Scale
- Translate
- Animation With CSS3
- @ Keyframes Rules
- Reverse Direction Animation
- Animation Delay
- Media Queries
- @ Media for Responsive Designs
- @ Keyframes
- @ font-face
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
- Looping statement in JavaScript
- Working with Predefined functions
- Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
- Basics of Python
- History
- Features
- Setting up path
- Working with Python
- Basic Syntax
- Variable and Data Types
- Operator
- Conditional Statements
- If
- If- else
- Nested if-else
- Looping
- For
- While
- Nested loops
- Control Statements
- Break
- Continue
- Pass
- String Manipulation
- Accessing Strings
- Basic Operations
- String slices
- Function and Methods
- Lists
- Introduction
- Accessing list
- Operations
- Working with lists
- Function and Methods
- Tuple
- Introduction
- Accessing tuples
- Operations
- Working
- Functions and Methods
- Dictionaries
- Introduction
- Accessing values in dictionaries
- Working with dictionaries
- Properties
- Functions
- Functions
- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Types of functions
- Function Arguments
- Anonymous functions
- Global and local variables
- Sets
- Arrays
- Modules
- Importing module
- Math module
- Random module
- Packages
- Composition
- Input-Output
- Printing on screen
- Reading data from keyboard
- Opening and closing file
- Reading and writing files
- Functions
- Exception Handling
- Exception
- Exception Handling
- Except clause
- Try ? finally clause
- User Defined Exceptions
- Introduction to MYSQL
- Creating MYSQL Connection
- Creating Database & Tables
- MYSQL Queries
- Data types in SQL
- MYSQL select
- Maintain data in a table by using: INSERT, UPDATE statement, DELETE statement
- Use Where
- Use wild cards
- Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
- Use the ORDER BY clause
- Use the DISTINCT keyword
- Use aggregate functions in queries
- Viewing database
- Deleting database
- Renaming database
- Insert rows into tables
- Delete tables
- Altering tables
- Backup of database etc
Accordion Content