Advance Web Designing Course

  • Basics of HTML
    • What is HTML?
    • HTML Tags
    • Web Browsers
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Write HTML Using Editors
    • HTML5 New Tags
  • HTML Elements & Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • Images
    • Image Syntax
    • Alt
    • Image Title
    • Images as a LINK
    • Images in another Folder
  • List Tag
    • List Tag
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Data Description List
  • Table Tag
    • Table Tag
    • Cell Span with Column
    • Cell Span With row
    • Cell Padding
    • Cell Spacing
    • Adding Cell Spacing
  • Links
    • Links Syntax
    • Internal Links
    • External Links
  • Audio and Video
    • Autoplay
    • Audio and Video Syntax
    • Playing Videos in HTML
  • Forms
    • Form Element
    • Form Action
    • Form Get & Post Method
    • Text Button
    • Radio Button Input
    • Submit Button
    • Select Element
    • Textarea
    • HTML Input Attributes
  • Google Maps
  • Upload File and Pages
  • Form Validations
  • Interview Questions Idea


  • What is CSS and CSS3 ?
  • Why use CSS ?
  • Types of CSS
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  • Syntax of CSS
  • CSS Selectors
  • Color and Background Properties
    • Color
    • Background attachment
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • Text Properties
    • letter-spacing
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • vertical-align
    • word-spacing
  • Font Properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • Border Properties
    • border-color
    • border-style
    • border-width
    • border-top-width
    • border-left-width
    • border-right-width
    • border-bottom-width
  • BOX Model
    • Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Height
    • Width
  • Position Properties
    • Position Fixed
    • Position Absolute
    • Position Relative
    • Position Static
  • Classification Properties
    • Z-index
    • Display
    • Visibility
    • white-space


  • Transition with CSS3
    • Transition with Width
    • Transition with Height
    • Transition with Background
    • Border Transition
    • All Transition
  • Transform with CSS3
    • Rotate
    • Skew
    • Scale
    • Translate
  • Animation With CSS3
    • @ Keyframes Rules
    • Reverse Direction Animation
    • Animation Delay
  • Media Queries
    • @ Media for Responsive Designs
    • @ Keyframes
    • @ font-face
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
  • Looping statement in JavaScript
  • Working with Predefined functions
  • Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
  • Bootstrap Version 3.3.7
    • What is Bootstrap?
    • Why use Bootstrap?
    • Bootstrap CDN?
  • Bootstrap Grid System
    • Extra Small
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Bootstrap Typography
  • Bootstrap Tables
    • Table
    • Table-stripped
    • Table-bordered
    • Table-hover
  • Bootstrap Images
    • img-rounded
    • img-circle
    • img-thumbnail
  • Bootstrap Jumbotron
  • Bootstrap Container & Container-fluid
  • Bootstrap Alert
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Pager & Pagination
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress bar
  • Bootstrap Form
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Carousel
  • Bootstrap Modals
  • Introduction to jQuery
    • Adding jQuery to your Web pages?
    • Downloading jQuery?
    • jQuery CDN? 1.4 jQuery Syntax?
  • jQuery Effects
    • Hide and Show?
    • Fade
    • Slide
    • Animate
  • jQuery HTML
    • jQuery Set
    • jQuery Get
    • jQuery Add
    • jQuery Remove
  • Introduction
  • How Websites Work
  • What WordPress Is and How It Works
  • Installing WordPress
  • Installing WordPress Plugins
  • Installing WordPress Themes .
  • Setting Up Your WordPress Site Right the First Time
  • Tools
  • Image Enhancement
  • Banner, Brochure and PSD Designs
  • Color Balancing
  • Create Template
Accordion Content

Web Development (using PHP) Course

  • Basics of HTML
    • What is HTML?
    • HTML Tags
    • Web Browsers
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Write HTML Using Editors
    • HTML5 New Tags
  • HTML Elements & Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • Images
    • Image Syntax
    • Alt
    • Image Title
    • Images as a LINK
    • Images in another Folder
  • List Tag
    • List Tag
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Data Description List
  • Table Tag
    • Table Tag
    • Cell Span with Column
    • Cell Span With row
    • Cell Padding
    • Cell Spacing
    • Adding Cell Spacing
  • Links
    • Links Syntax
    • Internal Links
    • External Links
  • Audio and Video
    • Autoplay
    • Audio and Video Syntax
    • Playing Videos in HTML
  • Forms
    • Form Element
    • Form Action
    • Form Get & Post Method
    • Text Button
    • Radio Button Input
    • Submit Button
    • Select Element
    • Textarea
    • HTML Input Attributes
  • Google Maps
  • Upload File and Pages
  • Form Validations
  • Interview Questions Idea


  • What is CSS and CSS3 ?
  • Why use CSS ?
  • Types of CSS
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  • Syntax of CSS
  • CSS Selectors
  • Color and Background Properties
    • Color
    • Background attachment
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • Text Properties
    • letter-spacing
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • vertical-align
    • word-spacing
  • Font Properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • Border Properties
    • border-color
    • border-style
    • border-width
    • border-top-width
    • border-left-width
    • border-right-width
    • border-bottom-width
  • BOX Model
    • Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Height
    • Width
  • Position Properties
    • Position Fixed
    • Position Absolute
    • Position Relative
    • Position Static
  • Classification Properties
    • Z-index
    • Display
    • Visibility
    • white-space


  • Transition with CSS3
    • Transition with Width
    • Transition with Height
    • Transition with Background
    • Border Transition
    • All Transition
  • Transform with CSS3
    • Rotate
    • Skew
    • Scale
    • Translate
  • Animation With CSS3
    • @ Keyframes Rules
    • Reverse Direction Animation
    • Animation Delay
  • Media Queries
    • @ Media for Responsive Designs
    • @ Keyframes
    • @ font-face
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
  • Looping statement in JavaScript
  • Working with Predefined functions
  • Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
  • PHP Introduction
  • PHP Basic
  • How to Install PHP
  • Basic Syntax of PHP
  • PHP Variables & Data Type
  • Date Time Function
  • Regular Expressions
  • PHP Operators
  • PHP Arrays
  • String Handling in PHP
  • Session And Cookie
  • PHP Function
  • PHP Forms
  • File Handling
  • PHP $Get Method
  • PHP $ Post Method
  • Server Method
  • Request Method
  • File Upload
  • Form Action
  • Form Based Query
  • Form Validation 
  •  Object oriented Programming with PHP
  •  Class and Object
  •  Public ,Private ,Protected Modifiers
  •  Constructors and Destructors
  •  Patterns
  •  Magic Methods
  •  Inheritance and Interfaces
  •  Polymorphism
  • Introduction to MYSQL
  • Creating MYSQL Connection
  • Creating Database & Tables
  • MYSQL Queries
  • Data types in SQL
  • MYSQL select
  • Maintain data in a table by using: INSERT, UPDATE statement, DELETE
  • Use Where
  • Use wild cards
  • Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
  • Use the ORDER BY clause
  • Use the DISTINCT keyword
  • Use aggregate functions in queries
  • Viewing database
  • Deleting database
  • Renaming database
  • Insert rows into tables
  • Delete tables
  • Altering tables
  • Backup of database etc

Web Development (using Python) Course

  • Basics of HTML 
    • What is HTML?
    • HTML Tags
    • Web  Browsers
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Write HTML Using Editors
    • HTML5 New Tags
  • HTML Elements & Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • Images
    • Image Syntax
    • Alt  
    • Image Title
    • Images as a LINK
    • Images in another Folder
  • List Tag
    • List Tag
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Data Description List
  • Table Tag
    • Table Tag
    • Cell Span with Column
    • Cell Span With row
    • Cell Padding 
    • Cell Spacing
    • Adding Cell Spacing
  • Links
    • Links Syntax
    • Internal Links
    • External Links
  • Audio and Video
    • Autoplay
    • Audio and Video Syntax
    • Playing Videos in HTML
  • Forms
    • Form Element
    • Form Action
    • Form Get & Post Method
    • Text Button
    • Radio Button Input
    • Submit Button
    • Select Element
    • Textarea
    • HTML Input Attributes
  • Google Maps 
  • Upload File and Pages
  • Form Validations
  • Interview Questions Idea


  • What is CSS and CSS3 ?
  • Why use CSS ?
  • Types  of CSS
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  • Syntax of CSS
  • CSS Selectors
  • Color and Background Properties
    • Color
    • Background attachment
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • Text Properties
    • letter-spacing
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • vertical-align
    • word-spacing
  • Font Properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • Border Properties
    • border-color
    • border-style
    • border-width
    • border-top-width
    • border-left-width
    • border-right-width
    • border-bottom-width
  • BOX Model
    • Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Height
    • Width
  • Position Properties
    • Position Fixed
    • Position Absolute
    • Position Relative
    • Position Static
  • Classification Properties
    • Z-index
    • Display
    • Visibility
    • white-space


  • Transition with CSS3
    • Transition with Width
    • Transition with Height
    • Transition with Background
    • Border Transition
    • All Transition
  • Transform with CSS3
    • Rotate
    • Skew
    • Scale
    • Translate
  • Animation With CSS3
    • @ Keyframes Rules
    • Reverse Direction Animation
    • Animation Delay
  • Media Queries
    • @ Media for Responsive Designs
    • @ Keyframes
    • @ font-face
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
  • Looping statement in JavaScript
  • Working with Predefined functions
  • Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
  • Basics of Python
    • History
    • Features
    • Setting up path
    • Working with Python 
    • Basic Syntax
    • Variable and Data Types
    • Operator  
  • Conditional Statements 
    • If
    • If- else
    • Nested if-else  
  • Looping  
    • For 
    • While
    • Nested loops  
  • Control Statements 
    • Break
    • Continue
    • Pass  
  • String Manipulation 
    • Accessing Strings
    • Basic Operations
    • String slices
    • Function and Methods  
  • Lists 
    • Introduction
    • Accessing list
    • Operations
    • Working with lists
    • Function and Methods  
  • Tuple 
    • Introduction
    • Accessing  tuples
    • Operations 
    • Working
    • Functions and Methods  
  • Dictionaries 
    • Introduction
    • Accessing values in dictionaries
    • Working with dictionaries
    • Properties
    • Functions  
  • Functions  
    • Defining a function
    • Calling a function
    • Types of functions
    • Function Arguments
    • Anonymous functions 
    • Global and local variables  
  • Sets
  • Arrays
  • Modules 
    • Importing module
    • Math module
    • Random module
    • Packages
    • Composition  
  • Input-Output 
    • Printing on screen
    • Reading data from keyboard
    • Opening and closing file
    • Reading and writing files
    • Functions  
  • Exception Handling  
    • Exception 
    • Exception Handling
    • Except clause
    • Try ? finally clause 
    • User Defined Exceptions
  • Introduction to MYSQL
  • Creating MYSQL Connection
  • Creating Database & Tables
  • MYSQL Queries
  • Data types in SQL
  • MYSQL select
  • Maintain data in a table by using: INSERT, UPDATE statement, DELETE statement
  • Use Where
  • Use wild cards
  • Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
  • Use the ORDER BY clause
  • Use the DISTINCT keyword
  • Use aggregate functions in queries
  • Viewing database
  • Deleting database
  • Renaming database
  • Insert rows into tables 
  • Delete tables
  • Altering tables
  • Backup of database etc 

Web Development (using Java) Course

  • Basics of HTML 
    • What is HTML?
    • HTML Tags
    • Web  Browsers
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Write HTML Using Editors
    • HTML5 New Tags
  • HTML Elements & Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • Images
    • Image Syntax
    • Alt  
    • Image Title
    • Images as a LINK
    • Images in another Folder
  • List Tag
    • List Tag
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Data Description List
  • Table Tag
    • Table Tag
    • Cell Span with Column
    • Cell Span With row
    • Cell Padding 
    • Cell Spacing
    • Adding Cell Spacing
  • Links
    • Links Syntax
    • Internal Links
    • External Links
  • Audio and Video
    • Autoplay
    • Audio and Video Syntax
    • Playing Videos in HTML
  • Forms
    • Form Element
    • Form Action
    • Form Get & Post Method
    • Text Button
    • Radio Button Input
    • Submit Button
    • Select Element
    • Textarea
    • HTML Input Attributes
  • Google Maps 
  • Upload File and Pages
  • Form Validations
  • Interview Questions Idea


  • What is CSS and CSS3 ?
  • Why use CSS ?
  • Types  of CSS
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  • Syntax of CSS
  • CSS Selectors
  • Color and Background Properties
    • Color
    • Background attachment
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • Text Properties
    • letter-spacing
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • vertical-align
    • word-spacing
  • Font Properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • Border Properties
    • border-color
    • border-style
    • border-width
    • border-top-width
    • border-left-width
    • border-right-width
    • border-bottom-width
  • BOX Model
    • Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Height
    • Width
  • Position Properties
    • Position Fixed
    • Position Absolute
    • Position Relative
    • Position Static
  • Classification Properties
    • Z-index
    • Display
    • Visibility
    • white-space


  • Transition with CSS3
    • Transition with Width
    • Transition with Height
    • Transition with Background
    • Border Transition
    • All Transition
  • Transform with CSS3
    • Rotate
    • Skew
    • Scale
    • Translate
  • Animation With CSS3
    • @ Keyframes Rules
    • Reverse Direction Animation
    • Animation Delay
  • Media Queries
    • @ Media for Responsive Designs
    • @ Keyframes
    • @ font-face
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
  • Looping statement in JavaScript
  • Working with Predefined functions
  • Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
  • Introduction
    • Features
    • Pros and Cons
  • Setup and Basic Program
    • Environment Setup
    • First Program
  • Variables and Data types
    • Variables
    • Data Types
    • Variable scope
    • Typecasting
  • Operators and Expressions
    • Operators
    • Expressions
    • Operator precedence
  • Flow Control
    • If statement
    • Switch statement
    • While loop
    • Do while loop
    • For loop
  • Classes, Objects and Methods
    • Classes basics
    • Class and object
    • Constructors
    • Method overloading
    • Method overriding
    • Static keyword
    • Inheritance
    • Types of inheritance
    • Final keyword
    • Abstraction
  • Arrays, String
    • Arrays
    • String
    • Wrapper class
  • Interfaces
    • Defining interfaces
    • Extending interfaces
    • Implementing interfaces
    • Accessing interfaces
  • Packages
    • Introduction to packages
    • Java API packages
    • System packages
  • Multithreaded programming
    • Creating thread
    • Life cycle
    • Synchronization
    • Errors and Exceptions
    • Exceptions
    • Try catch
    • Custom Exception
  • File Handling
  • Database Connectivity
  • Collections(List,set,Queue,Map)
  • Introduction to MYSQL
  • Creating MYSQL Connection
  • Creating Database & Tables
  • MYSQL Queries
  • Data types in SQL
  • MYSQL select
  • Maintain data in a table by using: INSERT, UPDATE statement, DELETE statement
  • Use Where
  • Use wild cards
  • Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
  • Use the ORDER BY clause
  • Use the DISTINCT keyword
  • Use aggregate functions in queries
  • Viewing database
  • Deleting database
  • Renaming database
  • Insert rows into tables 
  • Delete tables
  • Altering tables
  • Backup of database etc 

Graphic Designing Course

  • Tools
  • Image Enhancement
  • Banner, Brochure and PSD Designs 
  • Color Balancing
  • Create Template
  • Selecting and Manipulating Objects
  • Drawing and Shaping Object
  • Arranging Object
  • Working With Text
  • Outlining and Filling Objects
  • Exporting Drawings

Web Frontend Tech Skills Course


  • Basics of HTML 
    • What is HTML?
    • HTML Tags
    • Web  Browsers
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Write HTML Using Editors
    • HTML5 New Tags
  • HTML Elements & Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • Images
    • Image Syntax
    • Alt  
    • Image Title
    • Images as a LINK
    • Images in another Folder
  • List Tag
    • List Tag
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Data Description List
  • Table Tag
    • Table Tag
    • Cell Span with Column
    • Cell Span With row
    • Cell Padding 
    • Cell Spacing
    • Adding Cell Spacing
  • Links
    • Links Syntax
    • Internal Links
    • External Links
  •  Audio and Video
    • Autoplay
    • Audio and Video Syntax
    • Playing Videos in HTML
  • Forms
    • Form Element
    • Form Action
    • Form Get & Post Method
    • Text Button
    • Radio Button Input
    • Submit Button
    • Select Element
    • Textarea
    • HTML Input Attributes
  • Google Maps 
  •  Upload File and Pages
  • Form Validations
  • Interview Questions Idea

(Part 1 : Basic CSS)

  • What is CSS and CSS3 ?
  • Why use CSS ?
  • Types  of CSS
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  •   Syntax of CSS
  •   CSS Selectors
  •   Color and Background Properties
    • Color
    • Background attachment
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • Text Properties
    • letter-spacing
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • vertical-align
    • word-spacing
  • Font Properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • Border Properties
    • border-color
    • border-style
    • border-width
    • border-top-width
    • border-left-width
    • border-right-width
    • border-bottom-width
  • BOX Model
    • Margin – Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Padding-Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    • Height
    • Width
  • Position Properties
    • Position Fixed
    • Position Absolute
    • Position Relative
    • Position Static
  • Classification Properties
    • Z-index
    • Display
    • Visibility
    • white-space


  • Transition with CSS3
    • Transition with Width
    • Transition with Height
    • Transition with Background
    • Border Transition
    • All Transition
  • Transform with CSS3
    • Rotate
    • Skew
    • Scale
    • Translate
  • Animation With CSS3
    • @ Keyframes Rules
    • Reverse Direction Animation
    • Animation Delay
  • Media Queries
    • @ Media for Responsive Designs
    • @ Keyframes
    • @ font-face
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Conditional Constructs to JavaScript
  • Looping statement in JavaScript
  • Working with Predefined functions
  • Maintaining Validations in JavaScript
  • Introduction to jQuery
    • Adding jQuery to your Web pages?
    • Downloading jQuery?
    • jQuery CDN? 1.4 jQuery Syntax?
  • jQuery Effects
    • Hide and Show?
    • Fade
    • Slide
    • Animate
  • jQuery HTML
    • jQuery Set 
    • jQuery Get
    • jQuery Add
    • jQuery Remove
  • Bootstrap Version 3.3.7
    • What is Bootstrap?
    • Why use Bootstrap?
    • Bootstrap CDN?
  • Bootstrap Grid System
    • Extra Small
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Bootstrap Typography
  • Bootstrap Tables
    • Table 
    • Table-stripped
    • Table-bordered
    • Table-hover
  • Bootstrap Images
    • img-rounded 
    • img-circle
    • img-thumbnail
  • Bootstrap Jumbotron
  • Bootstrap Container & Container-fluid
  • Bootstrap Alert
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Pager & Pagination
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress bar
  • Bootstrap Form
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Carousel
  • Bootstrap Modals
Accordion Content

Basic Computer Course

  • What is Computer
  • Basic Application of Computer
  • Components of Computer System
  • Components of Hardware and Software
  • Connecting Keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU and Checking Power Supply
  • What is an Operating System
  • Basic of Popular Operating System
  • The User Interface, Using Mouse
  • Using right Button of the Mouse and Moving Icons on the Screen
  • Use of Common Icons, Status Bar, Using Menu and Menu-Selection
  • Running an Application, Viewing of file, Folders and Directories
  • Creating and Renaming of files and folders
  • Opening and Closing of different Windows
  • Using help
  • Creating Shortcuts
  • Basics of O.S Setup
  • Common Utilities
  • Beginning to Use Microsoft Word 2010
    • Starting Microsoft Word 2010
    • Opening a New Document
    • Saving a Document
  • Basic Editing
    • The Cursor
    • Inserting Text
    • Deleting Text
    • Moving Text
    • Undo and Redo
    • Wrap Text
  • Formatting
    • Selecting Text
    • Applying a Font
    • Changing Font Size
    • Font Attributes
    • Font Color
    • Clear Formatting
    • Text Alignment
  • Copying and Moving Text and Objects
    • The Clipboard
    • Paste
    • Formatting
    • Drag and Drop Text
  • Editing Features
    • Spell Check
    • Thesaurus
    • Auto Correct
    • Check Word Count
    • Track Changes
    • Accepting and Rejecting Changes
    • Page View
    • Zoom
  • Paragraph Formatting
    • Changing Paragraph Alignment
    • Indenting Paragraphs
    • Add Borders or Shading to a Paragraph
    • Apply Paragraph Styles
    • Creating Links within a Document
    • Change Spacing Between Paragraphs and Lines
  • Tables
    • Creating Tables
    • Creating a table by highlighting the boxes
    • Create a table by using the Insert Table command
    • Drawing a Table
    • Converting text into a table
    • Quick Tables
    • Entering Text
    • Table Tools
    • Inserting rows and columns
    • Deleting Cells, Rows or Columns
    • Merging Cells and Splitting Cells
    • Adjusting Column Width
    • Position Text Within A Cell
    • Borders and Shading
  • Lists
    • Bulleted and Numbered Lists
    • Creating a Nested List
    • Format Your List
    • Creating Outlines
  • Page Formatting
    • Page Margins
    • How to Change the Orientation, Size of the Page, or Size of the Columns
    • Apply a Page Border and Color
    • Insert Headers and Footers (Including Page Numbers)
    • Create a Page Break
    • Insert a Cover Page
    • Insert a Blank Page
  • Inserting Graphics, Pictures, and Table of Contents
    • Inserting Special Characters Into Your Document
    • Inserting Equations
    • How to Insert Illustrations, Pictures, and SmartArt
    • Resizing Graphics
    • Watermarks
    • Table of Contents
    • Creating a Table of Contents
    • Update a Table of Contents
    • Delete a Table of Contents
  • Advanced Tools
    • References and Citations
    • How to Insert Citations
    • Manage Sources
    • Adding a Bibliography
    • Adding Footnotes
    • Compare and Merge Documents
    • Protect Document
    • Creating a List for Mail Merge
    • Mail Merge
  • Introduction
    • Opening new Presentation
    • Different presentation templates
    • Setting backgrounds
    • Selecting presentation layouts
  • Creating a presentation
    • Setting presentation style
    • Adding Text to the presentation
  • Formatting a presentation
    • Adding style
    • Color, gradient fills
    • Arranging objects
    • Adding Header & Footer
    • Slide Background
    • Slide layout
  • Adding Graphics to the presentation
    • Inserting pictures, movies, tables, etc into the presentation
    • Drawing Pictures using Draw
  • Adding effects to the presentation
    • Setting Animation & transition effect
    • Adding audio and video
  • Introduction
    • Spreadsheet & its Applications
    • Opening spreadsheet
    • Menus & Toolbars & icons
    • Shortcuts
    • Using help 
  • Working with Spreadsheets
    • Opening a File
    • Saving Files
    • Setting Margins
    • Converting files to different formats
    • Spreadsheet addressing
      • Rows, Columns & Cells,
      • Referring cells and Selecting cells
    • Entering and Editing Data
      • Entering Data
      • Cut, Copy, paste, Undo, Redo, Find, Search & Replace
      • Filling continuous rows, columns
      • Inserting – Data, cells, column, rows & sheets
      • Manual breaks
    • Computing data
      • Setting Formula
      • Finding total in a column or row
      • Mathematical operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Exponentiation)
      • Using other Formulas
  • Formatting Spreadsheets
    • Formatting ( Cell, row, column & Sheet)
      • Alignment, Font, Border & shading
      • Highlighting values
      • Hiding/Locking Cells
    • Worksheet
      • Sheet Name
      • Row & Column Headers
      • Row Height, Column Width
      • Visibility (Row, Column, Sheet)
      • Security
    • Formatting (worksheet)
      • Sheet Formatting & style – background, color , Borders & shading
      • Formatting layout for Graphics, Clipart etc.,
  • Working with sheets
    • Sorting
    • Filtering
    • Validation
    • Consolidation
    • Subtotal
  • Creating Charts
    • Selecting charts
    • Formatting charts, label, scaling etc.
  • Using Tools
    • Error Checking
    • Spell Checks
    • Formula Auditing
    • Tracking Changes
    • Customization
  • Document Printing
  • Email workbook
  • Translate Workbook
  • Workbook security
  • Pivot table
  • Charts
  • Data Analytics
  • Keyboard shortcuts

Tally ERP 9 with GST Course

  • Introduction to Tally ERP9
  • Installing Tally ERP9 License Server
  • Creating a Company
  • Data Path for Tally ERP9 Companies
  • Altering and Deleting Company
  • Gateway of Tally and User Interface
  • Understanding Ledgers
  • Creating Ledgers
  • Creating Multiple Ledgers
  • Altering and Deleting Ledgers
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding Groups
  • Creating Groups
  • Altering and Deleting Groups
  • Practical Examples
  • Using Practice Files
  • Configuring Billwise Details
  • Examples on Creating Billwise Ledgers
  • Understanding Default Vouchers
  • Payment in Single Entry Mode (Examples)
  • Payment in Double Entry Mode (Examples)
  • Understanding Day Book Reports
  • Altering and Deleting Transactions
  • Pre-Allocation of Bills
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding Receipt Vouchers
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding Contra for Banking
  • Practical Examples on Contra Vouchers
  • Practical Examples on Journal Vouchers
  • CTS Cheque Printing System
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding Inventory
  • Integrating Accounts and Inventory
  • Practical on Stock Group
  • Practical on Godown and Locations
  • Practical on Stock Category
  • Practical on Units of Measure
  • Practical on Stock Items
  • Manual Stock Valuation without Inventory
  • Understanding Value Added Tax
  • Practical – Creating Purchase Masters
  • Practical – Creating Input Tax Masters
  • Practical – Creating Sales Masters
  • Practical – Creating Output Tax Masters
  • Practical on Units of Measure
  • Practical on Purchase in Single VAT Class
  • Practical on Purchase in Multi VAT Class
  • Practical on Purchase in Voucher Mode
  • Practical on Sales Voucher
  • Tax Invoice
  • Practical on Tax Invoice
  • Printing Sales Invoice
  • Calculating VAT Payable
  • VAT Tax Ledger Balances
  • Practical on VAT Payment
  • VAT Reports
  • Zero Valued Entries
  • Different Billing and Actual Quantity
  • Additional Cost of Purchase
  • Discount Column on Invoices
  • Purchase Order Process
  • Purchase Order Voucher with Examples
  • Receipt Note (Inventory) with Examples
  • Rejection-Out Voucher with Examples
  • Sales Order Process
  • Sales Order Voucher with Examples
  • Delivery Note (Inventory) with Examples
  • Rejection-IN Voucher with Examples
  • Debit Note Returns with Examples
  • Credit Note Returns with Examples
  • Understanding BRS Process
  • Practical Examples
  • Price Listing Masters
  • Practical Examples
  • Credit Limits for Customers
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding Stock Transfers
  • Practical Examples
  • Bills of Materials
  • Practical Examples
  • Job Costing and Examples
  • Understanding Inventory Batches
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding ROL
  • Practical Examples
  • Activating Interest Calculations
  • Practical Examples
  • Voucher Types and Masters
  • Practical Examples
  • Voucher Class and Masters
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding POS
  • Practical Examples
  • Scenario Management
  • Practical Examples of Optional Vouchers
  • Scenario Reporting
  • Budget Masters and Configurations
  • Practical Examples
  • Budget Reporting and Analysis
  • Understanding Cost Centres
  • Practical Examples
  • Understanding Profit Centres
  • Practical Examples
  • Customer and Supplier Balance Checking
  • Customer and Supplier Bill Wise Checking
  • Overdue Payables and Receivables
  • Outstanding Reports and Printing
  • Confirmation of Accounts
  • Negative Ledgers Report
  • Analysing Purchase and Sales Register
  • Analysing Debit and Credit Note
  • Overdue Payables and Receivables
  • Outstanding Reports and Printing
  • Stock Registers
  • Stock Valuation
  • Stock Transfer Report
  • Negative Stock Report
  • Record Physical Stock and Shortage
  • Stock Entry without Perpetual Inventory
  • Cash Book and Bank Book
  • Stock Transfer Report
  • Negative Stock Report
  • Searching and Finding particular entries
  • Sorting with Alias, Numbers and Texts
  • List of Ledgers and Groups
  • Trial Balance
  • Profit and Loss Account
  • Balance Sheet
  • Working Capital
  • Cash Flow and Fund Flow Statements
  • Practical on Multi-Language
  • Export and Import Formats
  • Practical Examples
  • Data Backup and Restore
  • Understanding CST and Forms
  • Creating CST Masters
  • Practical Examples
  • CST Reports
  • Understanding Service Tax
  • Creating Service Tax Masters
  • Examples on Service Income and Expense
  • Service Tax (Input) Adjustments
  • Tax Reports
  • Understanding TDS
  • Creating TDS Masters
  • Practical Examples
  • TDS Payment
  • Tax Reports and Tax Forms
  • Understanding TCS
  • Creating TCS Masters
  • Practical Examples
  • TCS Payment
  • Tax Reports and Tax Forms
  • Understanding Excise Duty
  • Example with Case Study
  • Creating Excise Accounting Masters
  • Creating Excise Inventory Masters
  • Excise Purchase
  • Manufacturing Entries
  • Excise Sales
  • CENVAT Credit Adjustments
  • Excise Duty Payment
  • Excise Reports and Forms
  • Understanding Payroll
  • Pay Heads and Categories
  • Employee Details and Salary Details
  • Attendance Entries
  • Salary Payment Examples
  • Paysheet and Pay Slips
  • Finalization Process
  • Depreciation Entries
  • Creating General Reserves
  • Provision for Taxation
  • Bad Debt Reserves
  • Partnership Firm – Transferring Profits
  • Outstanding Expenses and Accrued Income
  • Changing Financial Year
  • Security Control Setup
  • User Security Control
  • Configurations
  • Practical on Tally Synchronization
  • Configuring Multiple Currencies
  • Entries for Foreign Transactions
  • Forex Gain and Loss
  • Sales Invoice
  • Printing Payment and Receipt Vouchers
  • Printing Various Other Reports
  • Inserting Vouchers
  • Duplicating Entries
  • Split Company Data
  • Merge Tally Companies
  • Create Company and Activate GST in Company Level
  • Creating Master and Set GST
  • Rates
  • Creating Tax Ledgers
  • Transferring Tax Credits of VAT, Excise and Service Tax to GST
  • Recording GST Sales and Printing
  • Invoices
  • Recording GST Interstate Sales and Printing Invoices
  • Recording an Advance to Supplier under GST
  • Recording GST Local Purchase
  • Recording GST Interstate

C & C++ Courses

C Language Course Content

C++ Language Course Content

  • C++ Tokens
  • C++ Keywords
  • C++ Constants
  • C++ Operators
  • C++ Data Types
  • C++ Variables
  • C++ Storage Classes
  • C++ Functions
  • C++ Decision Making
  • C++ If statements
  • C++ if-else statements
  • C++ else-if statements
  • C++ switch statements
  • C++ Loops
  • C++ while loops
  • C++ do-while loops
  • C++ for loops
  • C++ Arrays
  • C++ Strings
  • C++ Objects and classes
  • C++ Constructors and Destructors
  • C++ Overloading
  • C++ Data Abstraction
  • C++ Encapsulation
  • C++ Polymorphism
  • C++ Qualifiers and Storage classes
  • C++ inheritance
  • C++ Friend Function
  • C++ Virtual Function